
Grab bag of updates...

I could probably drag this out over like six posts, but, I'm not into that. Too much like I'm trying too hard to post everyday ;-) So here you go...
Who are you? Poll is closed. Well I found out what I wanted to know. There are lots of bloggers reading this site. Nice to see actual homebrewers reading this hombrew site and many of you love beer. Results from 22 participants answered in the following fasion; bloggers 14 (63%) homebrewers 18 (81%) beer lovers 17 (77%).

Recently did some troubleshooting for Jack Curtin on his RSS feed. Now I REALLY know Word Press. Yeah, exciting huh ;-)

Hops will need a trellis soon. Still need to tear down the old one too. I planted some of them in the shade again by accident. Sheesh, what was I thinking? I'm going to transplant them one more time.

I'm headed to TAP NY this weekend. Anybody know of other stuff to do up there? So far I have some scenic drives and a hotel lined up. Thanks Alan, tickets made it across the border :-)

No beer in the fermenter right now. No plans for brewing either. Huh? This isn't good.

Homebrew Blogging Day is in almost a month and we need a better name.

Also, Bryan cooked up some hops shoots. He'll probably have a post up sometime soon about it. I must say it wasn't too bad. Thanks Bryan. We should be able to do it again with some of the other plants.

That's all for now. Keep your eye on http://blog.beercrier.com over the weekend. If I have a signal, I'll try to post from TAP NY.

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