
Blue Mountain Brewery captures my dream :-)

I'll throw these pictures up here so you can see what the place looks like. Not sure I have time to write a full review right now.

About twenty minutes from Charlottesville, VA you'll find orchards, wineries, beautiful rolling hills and a view of the blue ridge mountains that just doesn't quit.

Among the foothills Blue Mountain Brewery sits next to the hopyard and farm house.

I'm pretty sure they're thinking. "Why does he always take pictures at beer places? This isn't normal." :-)

There are about two hundred hops plants growing adjacent to the brewery. Pretty cool.

The food and beer were good as well at the service. I purchased a six pack and a 750 ml to go. I'll give you my thoughts on those later.

I'm a little disappointed that I live so far away :-|


Keith said...

Geez, I only live an hour away and I've never heard of it.

Adam said...

Now that is why I blog. If I help at least one person every so often, I'm happy. :-)

Dave said...

My sister lives in Staunton. We made the trek out there last summer and had a great time. The place is hidden away from everything, but it has such a great vibe to it. I'm glad you discovered it. Cheers.

Adam said...

Thanks. Indeed it is a wonderful place :-)