
It happened again...

Again I woke up early to work out. Hard to believe I would be able to do it twice. Most people would say I'm a night owl.

Lately I have been thinking about the value of things. I guess I am sorting out the important from the not so important. This time in the morning is one of those important things. Nobody is awake except the dogs and even they go back to sleep as this is not their schedule. Peacefulness just might be enough to change the habits of this night owl. How could I miss this time of the day?

I hope this doesn't lead to changing the design of my website to a lighter color.


Bryon said...

I hate getting up early on the alarm clock's terms... But if I choose to get up early, I actually enjoy those quiet morning moments... I can relate...

Adam said...

Tried to get up early this morning. Wasn't happening. Ah..you win some you lose some.