
Homebrew Few: What are the best homebrew websites on the net?

Let's try something new. We have somewhere around 100 daily readers here at Beer Bits 2 (via feed & site visits). That represents a lot of experience and know how. I've been around the homebrew scene for a while, but, I'm limited by my own experiences. Lets tap into the collective knowledge of the Beer Bits 2 readership. From time to time I'm gonna ask for your valuable opinion. Then I'll form those opinions into a poll. The results of that poll will become "The Homebrew Few". Inspired by LifeHacker's Hive Five. Here goes...

What are the best homebrew websites out there? You know, homebrew retailer, forums, magazines, blogs, tools, recipe databases, wikis, social networking, clubs, associations, twitter pages, whatever...OK so I'm casting a wide net.

Let 'er rip! What sites will you nominate for the Homebrew Few?


Dave said...

I'm a big fan of James Spencer's Basic Brewing web site. He does a weekly podcast and videocast for homebrewers and interviews a lot of people. He brews his own beer and grows his own hops. Quality work! basicbrewing.com

Virgil G said...


Lots of good stuff at NB. and free delivery on orders over $200 (except for extremely heavy stuff)

Jason said...

Wow, great question. I think there are a lot of great sites out there for homebrewers. I think the best blog out there (for me at least) is Ted's Homebrew journal (www.tedbrews.com) because he's very detailed about his brewing process and it has helped me learn a lot and become a better brewer.

I think the best online homebrew shop is morebeer.com. They have a ton of stuff and at very fair prices.

And of course, who could forget my blog!?!?!? (www.perfectbeer.blogspot.com) I had to get that in there!


Jason said...

Also....BeerAdvocate.com and BYO.com are great sites AND magazines. I subscribe to both!

Adam said...

Thanks for the nominations. We're still taking more.

Come back next week for the vote.