- light weight and loads quickly
- automatically updated each month by me (no wise cracks) *New!
- basic info, Fermentation Friday, Date, Host site, link to site
- something that would blend into any site (wonder what that would take?)
The goals would be...
- encourage attendance by making people aware
- promote a group blogging activity and build community
I'm open to suggestions. I may have started the homebrew version of the session, but it belongs to all of us.
Great Idea! Maybe you could also have a countdown timer telling us how many days are left till the next posting date & who is hosting.
i like the idea. I'll post it on my blog as well if thats possible.
I would post it, it's a great idea. Perhaps an RSS feed reader that keywords or runs on a tag so if it ran on your website, it would grab all the FF posts without having to do any collection.
I would just recommend that you do it cross-platform or something open so that the Wordpress people and the Blogger people could use it...
Great suggestions. Thanks Marcus, Jason and cnybrew :-)
In summary...
~count down timer
~rss feed widget to automatically collect posts
~cross platform (wordpress, blogger, etc.)
Anymore suggestions?
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