
Homebrew Blogging Day round up is complete...

There were some common themes. Wives, presents, books, trepidations, friends, fathers, stalls and starts and well you get the picture. I enjoyed this immensely. Thanks everybody. I hope these stories can inspire somebody to brew their own beer.

By the way an interesting thing happened the other day. I emailed Charlie Papazian 'cause well he's The Father of Homebrew. (mind you I don't know him) I gushed about how much I enjoy homebrewing and blogging and that he was partly responsible. Then I asked if he would participate in Homebrew Blogging Day. What was his reply? "I already did that." Evidently I didn't catch his contribution to the most recent iteration of The Session. I gave it a read and well Mr. Papazian does it again. What a great post tying craft beer and home brew together into one great story.

I'll get a schedule of hosts together and start looking to next month's Homebrew Blogging Day. Gotta work on that name too.

For anybody who didn't get their story in. It isn't too late. I'll still accept your story and add it to the round up.


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