
A post about home brew blogging burnout...(April Fools ;-)

During my recent survey of "links I'm checking out" I was thinking about Grove's recent hiatus. Couple that with a completely computerless weekend with my son camping and I came to the following conclusion...

After several years of blogging on this site and the other, I've realized something. I'm getting burned out. I think this is why I left TBL, but, I just didn't know it at the time. There's only so much home brew related blogging one can do. Not to mention that lately I'm finding more and more blogs popping up all over the place. How many do we really need? Heck we even have a new brewpoll to help us get the most popular home brew blog articles.

So this is the last Beer Bits 2 post. I'll still be around heckling you from afar when I'm not enjoying the Spring weather, and since this site doesn't cost me anything I'll leave it up for your reference.

So long and thanks for all the fish.


The Bearded Brewer said...

Sad to hear it, I enjoyed reading your page.

Mike F said...

Seriously? Perhaps you should just take a break?

I've been publishing on the Internet for over 13 years. Way before blogging. I think the biggest down side of blogging is the sugar rush. Small, frequent posts for the sake of posting. These posts aren't relevant past the day they're posted and take an enormous amount of energy to sustain traffic.

Everything I post I think of it as something that might help me or someone else else a years down the road. The idea is a aggregate of resources that combined will create sustaining traffic, rather than getting hits just on what's new. If that means I only post once a week, or once a month, that's OK with me. That just means I'm not working on homebrewing, so I've got nothing to say.

Anyway, hope you stick with it. When I got into filling Google Reader, I got a lot of great resources, aside from your blog, from your blog.

Jeremy said...

Sorry to hear you are giving up the homebrew blogging Adam... I am sure it was not something easy to keep up with... and since I know you well, I am sure it was not an impulse decision either. You've done some great work over the years and have really stuck with it... so congrats to that!

Jeremy said...

p.s. If this is an April Fools joke... you owe me a beer!

Adam said...

Thanks for the support everybody. I've had a change of heart. I've decided to continue blogging. In fact I have a post for this after noon titled.

"How I gave up drinking beer."


Actually there's some pretty good food for thought in the comments today :-)

Dave said...

I've learned never to take anything too seriously on a day like today. But one thing you have right, bloggers do burn out from time to time. I also run a poker blog and have been doing that for 3+ years. I've had burnout on a couple of occasions but after a short break, and who doesn't need one these days, I came back. Beer blogging is my thing now but I'll occasionally blog about online poker and such. Looking forward to your next post.

Anonymous said...

Hope this is just an April Fool's post...

Jim L

Adam said...

Yeah, maybe I should save the post so that when it does happen I'll have a template to start from ;-)

So, to get a bit more serious...for the record...

- I do get burned out from time to time.
- I do like to make substantial posts that stand the test of time.
- I too learned that you can't take things too seriously on a day like today. How about putting clear nail polish all over my bar of soap. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't lathering up. My oldest daughter's idea of a prank :-)
- There are a bunch of bloggers out here, but, we all have our own thing going on. Something for everybody.

Anonymous said...

I knew this had to be a joke. Glad you aren't quitting. I just got my kit. I'll need help =)

Adam said...

I'm there for you man! Just let me know :-)