
I'm a podcast listerner! Just listened to The Brewing Network's, The Session...

Yeah, Bryan over at The Brew Lounge used to...well still does from time to time ask me, "Did you listen to The Brewing Network show where they talked about..." After Kevin mentioned in comments here on the site, I finally broke down and listened. Don't know why it took me so long. Creature of habit I guess. The first episode I loaded on my ipod contained an interview with the brewer at New Glarus. Definately interesting. After that I proceeded to listen to one about cask cond. beer, berliner weiss and one about putting together a brewery. Didn't get to listen to the entire podcasts, but, enough to get a feel for the shows.

What did I think? I think I don't have enough time to listen to hours and hours of podcasts. Well, at least I don't feel like I do. When I tapped into that one about New Glarus I was a on an unusually long ride by myself to New York. So I can't say I'll be listening in often or maybe I will. My time at the gym could help.

About the quality of the show. It seems like they have really hit their stride lately. Some cool new opening sound bites seem to more accurately represent the quality of the show. Back in some of the earlier episodes there was lots of experimentation and locker room humor, not to mention wandering dialog. They were best when they didn't try too hard I'd say. The locker room humor seems to be part of their identity now and fits pretty well with the crowd they're trying to reach I'd guess. Hey, I liked it :-) They don't come off as taking themselves very seriously. That gets them a two thumbs up in my book. I do think you can learn something from these guys. I know Dan Carey from New Glarus taught me something about sour beer! I'll be going back to that interview.

So, I'm subscribed to all their shows in iTunes and I'll probably sample some more while I'm working out. We'll see were this ends up. I'm not used to podcasting yet so who knows. Where were these guys when I was commuting an hour every day!

Thanks Bryan for introducing me to their podcasts...like two years ago or something...heheh.



Bryan Kolesar said...

You can learn new tricks after all ;-)

kmudrick said...

Oh wow, I will have to add that to my itunes podcast subscriptions. I currently get TBN's Jamil Show (great for learning about a particular style) and Basic Brewing Radio (basicbrewing.com)

I usually listen to a couple episodes during my own homebrew sessions, since there is usually plenty of time to kill during all the associated downtime. I also listen to chunks of episodes while walking my dog :)

Adam said...


This old dog still has a few tricks up his sleeve ;-)


I just updated the post with your name. You were the one who pushed me over the edge while Bryan was fighting to hold me near the cliff ;-) Thanks! BTW I did listen to parts of the Jamil show. Pretty cool.

Mike said...

It's some good programming. I listen in my car on the drive to/from work. Sometimes I skip shows if I'm not interested in the topic, or if I'm not in the mood I fast forward to the topic. The first half-hour to hour is mostly chit-chat. The Jamil show is pretty good, although not as information packed as it used to be. If you really want to know the style, his BYO columns are better, or just get the book for basically the same info.

Adam said...

Thanks Mike!

Adam said...

Just listened to the Lunch Meet show. Kinda like a morning show format with some beer slant. My workout ended before I got to the beer stuff though.

Bryan Kolesar said...

Uh, em, let me know if you find any beer content in Lunch Meet. I think they'd laugh if they thought you were looking for serious content there ;-)

Adam said...

Oh really? :-) Well I thought they were just taking a while to get around to it! Thanks Bryan.