
Brew Dad just moved up.

Brew Dad
Ok, so I'm not sure how I manage to miss Brewdad on my clickabout and movin' up posts. {shrug} Let it be known it wasn't on purpose. Brewdad is just the kinda site I like. He shares his experience and tries to help new home brewers get started. He's not too cool for us. Thanks Brewdad for a great blog!



Anonymous said...

Thanks man, its a fun ride, isn't it! :D
I appreciate the feedback.

Adam said...

I do enjoy blogging about beer and homebrewing more than I thought I would.

No prob. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I like your site, plenty of useful info. I just added you to my Blogroll, as a homebrewer I feel it my responsibility to help promet other homebrewing sites, by the way, BrewDad has an awsome site and is in my Blogroll too! Have a Cold One!